Artificial code
According to a research paper published by Microsoft last year, developers who leveraged the artificial intelligence coding assistant from the company’s subsidiary Github, were 55% more productive. Indeed, along with drug discovery and customer service, software development has repeatedly been cited as the best example of AI’s potential to augment, rather than replace human workers. According to Stack Overflow’s 2024 developer survey, nearly 62% of software programmers already leverage AI in the development process, and another 13.8% plan to soon. Developers who use AI in their workflow cite improvements in productivity as well as in learning as key reasons to use the technology. However, only 2.7% of developers highly trust the accuracy of AI output and another 40% somewhat trust it. Beyond trust, developers cite several challenges in working with AI. These include the technology failing to understand the entire codebase which a given task will interact with, and the absence of clear policies to manage risk.
Source: Stack Overflow, July 2024