CEO mindset
Looking for trends beneath the headlines, our quantitative research team leveraged AI to analyze the third quarter earnings calls of S&P 500 companies. Separating the companies into two groups, those expressing positive sentiment overall and those expressing a negative tone, we looked for the factors that drove those views. Although the analysis was inconclusive, and many of the common keywords were generic, a few things stood out. Among those expressing a positive sentiment, technology linked trends including AI and automation were often cited. In addition, positively minded company discussions highlighted efficiency gains. For companies expressing a negative tone, excess inventory, weakening demand, and supply chain pressures were key concerns.
Common positive terms cited on 3Q24 earnings calls among S&P member companies
Source: Robeco, November 2024
Common negative terms cited on 3Q24 earnings calls among S&P member companies
Source: Robeco, November 2024