Climate factor
Investors have deprioritized climate change within investment policies, according to Robeco’s 2024 Global Climate Investing Survey. Driven in large part by North America, where investors reported a reduction in the importance of climate change from 61% in the 2023 survey to just 35% this year, the global average dropped from 71% to 62%. Reflecting on the result, Robeco’s Climate Investing and Biodiversity Specialist Lucian Peppelenbos noted that “as investors get to grips with the hard work involved in the climate transition, there is less naivety, and more careful deliberation and scrutiny over what is needed to embed sustainability into the many aspects of running investment portfolios.” Nevertheless, the survey showed investors expect climate change take on a bigger role in the investment process in the coming years.
Source: Robeco Global Climate Investing Survey, 2024