Amazon’s release last month of the TV series Fallout, a dystopian thriller, has sparked sales of the game on which the show is based. The video game Fallout 4, first released in 2015, has in recent weeks topped sales charts for the industry. However, the video game industry continues to suffer from the fallout of Covid, which lifted sales as people spent time indoors, while also hampering production of new games. However, there are signs gamers are coming out of their bunkers. After falling 2.2% year on year in 2022, video game sales fell 0.10% in 2023 based on reports from research firms Data.ai and New Zoo. Continued advancements in graphics chips (which also power AI models) helped drive 5% growth in PC games, while mobile continued to decline, falling 2.5% year on year on 2023.
Source: NewZoo, Data.ai , March 2024.