Life in plastic, it's fantastic
Botulinum toxins are among the most lethal toxins known to science. The amount required to kill the world’s population would be measured in grams. Nonetheless, every year women and men undergo an estimated nine million ‘botox’ injections to (attempt to) improve their appearance, 42% more than in 2019. The toxin is also used to address medical conditions such as muscle spasms. It is the most popular procedure in the growing industry of medical aesthetics, alongside other surgical and non-surgical procedures. Hyaluronic acid ‘fillers’, which are for example used to remodel facial features, are the second most popular intervention, but based on a polysaccharide which naturally occurs in the body’s tissues. The number of such non-surgical ‘injectable’ procedures grew 7% worldwide in 2023, and is a profitable endeavour for doctors due to the speed of the procedures and frequent recurring visits needed to maintain the effect.
Source: International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2023.