Think-act gap?
Environmental sustainability continues to be among Gen Z’s (born 1995-2005) and Millennials’ (born 1983-1994) top worries, with 62% of Gen Z and 59% of Millennials saying they felt worried or anxious about climate change in the last month in a Deloitte survey among 22,800 people in 44 countries. The majority of both generations say they take action to minimize their impact on the environment: 73% of Gen Z and 77% of Millennials. For instance, 39% of Gen Z and 35% of Millennials say they avoid buying fast fashion and 32% of Gen Z and 30% of Millennials reduce air travel. The gap between about the 70% and 30-40% brings up the question what they are doing. It could be Gen Z and Millennials are picky in what actions they take or that they take actions that Deloitte did not ask about in the survey. Also, it could be that there is a think-act gap.
Source: Deloitte, May 2024.