Travelling against the current
The flow of travelers from China to Europe is expected to continue this year, despite the unfavorable economic conditions. According to a survey by the European Travel Commission 50% of the Chinese respondents are likely to travel to Europe in Q1 2024 (US 28%, Canada 26%, Australia 39%), down 8% with respect to last year but above pre-pandemic levels. Premium Chinese consumers, a group expanding at 5x the rate of the Nation’s middle class are driving the travel recovery. The same survey also highlights that Chinese travelers will visit on average 3.9 European destinations during their next trip, the highest among all nations. The favorite destinations for Chinese travelers are France and Italy. The most striking figure from the survey underscores the strength of premium Chinese consumers. 78% of Chinese travelers are planning to spend more than EUR 200 per day per person during their next Europe trip. Premium travelling indeed.
Source: European Travel Commission, Long-haul Travel Barometer, January 2024.